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Setting Line Number on Order Entry Line


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When creating SODOCUMENT objects via the API, is there a way to set specific LINE_NO values on the SODOCUMENTENTRY records?   The question behind the question is that I'm importing Sales Transactions that need to convert previously imported Sales Transactions and, in some cases, there are multiple lines that share the same Dimensions (location, department, even item) and the LINE is the distinguishing value.  The records I'm importing have a LINE value and I've tried sorting by those but I still run into occasional situations where the lines are ordered differently once in Intacct.

I haven't found anything documented.  I'm using the .NET SDK and tried a custom object and writing out my best guess on the line_no XML tag but it was unsuccessful.

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Look for sourcelinekey in the documentation here:


This will identify the specific line you're looking to convert if there are lines that share the same dimensions.

its the source line record number rather than the source line number. If the .NET SDK doesn't have it you can add it yourself to the SDK


All XML API functions sent to Intacct Web Services must be a class implementation of the IFunction interface.  If any of the included Intacct.SDK.Functions classes were missing something (a field, or an a API function), the last thing you want is to wait for Intacct to fix/write/release it.  By doing this, it allows anyone to write their own API functions/XML as classes of this interface and send to it Intacct using the SDK.  In our getting started guide we have an example of this for writing your own XML to create a platform custom object record -- Here is the example code


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