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Sterio, Louis

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Everything posted by Sterio, Louis

  1. You can create items of type kit using create_item API Here is the DTD for create item DTD: <!ELEMENT create_item (itemid, name, status?, itemtype,enable_bins?,extended_description?, productlineid?, substituteid?, ship_weight?, datelastsold?, datelastrecvd?, taxable?, cost_method?, standard_cost?, average_cost?, base_price?, standard_unit?, purchase_unit?, purchase_unit_factor?, sales_unit?, sales_unit_factor?, default_warehouse?, glgroup?, note?, inventory_precision?, purchasing_precision?, sales_precision?, upc?, hasstartenddates?, term_period?, defaultnoofperiods?, computepriceforshortterm?, itaxgroup?, revenue_posting?, vendlineitems?, whslineitems?, complineitems?, taxcode?, vsoecategory?, vsoedlvrstatus?, vsoerevdefstatus?, incomeaccount?, invaccount?, expenseaccount?, cogsaccount?, offsetoeglaccount?, offsetpoglaccount?, defrevaccount?, uomgrp?, dropship?, cnbillingtemplate?, cnrevenuetemplate?, cnrevenue2template?, cnexpensetemplate?, cnexpense2template?, customfields?, mrr?)> <!ATTLIST create_item ignoreduplicates (true | false) "false" > <!ELEMENT complineitems (complineitem+)> <!ELEMENT complineitem (componentkey,quantity?,revpercent?,delete_component?,kcdlvrstatus?,kcrevdefstatus?)> If you want to turn this item into a stockable/built kit you can then run this and reference this item: https://developer.intacct.com/api/inventory-control/stockable-kit-transactions/#create-a-build-kits-transaction To read the item and get all the components associated you can use "read" 56 is the record number of the item you're looking for. This will return the ITEM information as well as the itemcomponent related list. <content> <function controlid="testControlId"> <read> <object>ITEM</object> <fields>*</fields> <keys>56</keys> <returnFormat>xml</returnFormat> </read> </function> </content>
  2. Performance tiers are designed for your API and offline job/report throughput requirements. This is not a general/across the board performance upgrade. If you need more details please reach out to your account manager.
  3. For now you could use postman to generate an access token and refresh token, then load the refresh token into your utility. You can then exchange the refresh_token for an access_token and time your utility is used.
  4. A postman collection is now available: https://developer.sage.com/intacct/docs/developer-portal/tutorials/working-with-postman-collections/ Happy testing!
  5. @Greg Gleason We're discussing this further tomorrow in our weekly meeting however for now you could use postman to OAUTH, and load the refresh token into your utility. Then you can exchange the refresh token for an access token each time the utility wakes up. However look for more of an official response from us in the near future.
  6. Charlie, That was using the "password" grant_type we are removing this grant_type in 24R3 (August timeframe) and we did not document it on purpose. We only want to allow authentication with OAUTH. When we remove this grant_type in R3 we will also be implementing new expiration rules related to our refresh_token. We will be documenting this as well. Here is what is changing: 1.) Previously refresh tokens would expire after 365 days no matter what. This would force re-authorization through OAUTH to all integrations after 365 days. We realize this is not going to work. 2.) After 24R3 we will shorten the expiration date to 90 days and as you exchange your refresh token for a new access token we will push the expiration of the refresh token out another 90 days.
  7. @Shlomi Dvir We're aware of that bug and account-group will be fully functional in 24R3 (August timeframe). As a work around you can use the query service. Use this as a baseline query body and add additional fields and filters as needed. The filter that is there must stay there however. { "object": "general-ledger/account-group", "fields": [ "key", "id", "groupType" ], "filters": [ { "$in": { "groupType": [ null, "accounts", "groups", "statisticalAccounts", "computation", "category", "statisticalCategory" ] } } ], "start": 1, "size": 100 }
  8. @Lee Savidge We got this published to github for you. We will update our documentation in the coming weeks but here is a direct link: https://github.com/intacct/intacct_dtd/blob/master/customerp/CustomERPPackage.xsd
  9. The only way to retrieve this information is to make an API request. You cannot send this data via the smart event payload.
  10. Greg, May I ask how you are doing this with the XML API today? Also have you tried to connect to a non-production company via the REST API? Let me know where you are getting an error or where you are getting stuck. I am moving this thread to REST Open beta Feedback
  11. I believe we do have similar password requirements for sender ID's. Yes you supply your own password, you initiate this process through a support case. Please check the SLA's in your agreement on turn around times.
  12. If you are still having this issue. Please open up a case with a sample XML request and the response as well as providing the RAY ID from cloudflare.
  13. Let me see if I can track this down, If I can we can get it documented.
  14. I believe you will need to use the query service for this: https://developer.sage.com/intacct/docs/openapi/common/core-query/tag/Query/
  15. The documentation has the following: State. Use C for Posted, D for Draft, A for Approved, V for voided, or S for Submitted. P could mean partial payment? I would open up a case on this to get clarity. We can then update our docs.
  16. We're working on exposing this object in the REST API, its actually already done we just need to make it available for you to use in open beta. It will not be exposed via the XML API.
  17. Yes it is possible, you would need to open up a case to ask for a sender ID password reset. When we do this for you please be aware that any integration using that sender ID will break until you update the password on the respective integrations. Support will also let you know this. Yes sometimes it is necessary, especially when you feel the credentials have been compromised.
  18. I see, I am not familiar with postmans import file option. Sounds like you would either need to somehow customize it. Or build a utility outside of postman to generate your payloads and then copy/paste them into postman for execution.
  19. @Gert Ambachtsheer I sent you a PM asking for your email, can you also PM me the company ID you're attempting to test with? I want to ensure its a non-production company.
  20. @Aaron LaBounty For smart events and smart rules, use "Export def" you can find this button it you edit any of your smart rules or smart events. You can then copy and paste the xml returned into its respective section within the customization package. Stack them in the package if you have multiple within the section. I do not believe you can add sequences to this customization package. Can you provide a screenshot and highlight what you're looking to package related to sequences? Screenshot the whole page please.
  21. Yes thats right. Give it a test in a sales demo and sandbox to confirm but you can pass multiple payitems in one request.
  22. The manual payment API supports multiple line items if that is what you're asking however you cannot specify a line number. documentation: https://developer.intacct.com/api/accounts-payable/ap-payments/#create-manual-ap-payment-legacy
  23. We will be publishing error codes and meanings at a later date. This is on our priority list. Could you provide some additional details on this issue? For example the endpoints used to authenticate? AUTH_URL and ACCESS_TOKEN_URL
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