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Sterio, Louis

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Everything posted by Sterio, Louis

  1. @Frederick Almond Slide in authentication is used with partner consoles, this allows them to slide into companies with the customers approval. Most likely is not something you need. Here is more information on that: https://www.intacct.com/ia/docs/en_US/help_action/More/Consoles/External_users/about-external-users.htm In terms of your other question, right now this will not change but it could in the future, best practice would be to assume it will change and use what is provided in the response.
  2. Are you connecting to a non-production company, also connecting with an admin user? If you are let me know and we can take a call, Thomas can you private message me your email address?
  3. @Lee Savidge I don't see a way either to retrieve these lists via the API. I think it would be a nice enhancement potentially for the REST API. I will ask the owning application team PM if this could be added to the roadmap.
  4. REST API is subject to the same maintenance windows, it is consistent across all time zones.
  5. @Pavel Kabir This is now on the GL teams roadmap and should be available before GA.
  6. Ah I see. If you retrieve the PDF via the API, Intacct will toggle the "PRINTED" field from "No" to "Yes" on the SODOCUMENT object. Just tested this for you. https://developer.intacct.com/api/order-entry/order-entry-transactions/#get-order-entry-transaction-pdf-data <content> <function controlid="testControlId"> <retrievepdf> <SODOCUMENT> <DOCID>Sales Invoice-INV-0051</DOCID> </SODOCUMENT> </retrievepdf> </function> </content>
  7. Jacky, Thank you so much for the examples. I will run this by the GL team for review and consideration. Can you private message me the sender ID you used to generate your client ID? I need to add the account balance API to your client ID to allow you test. Its currently in limited release as they are still working on the response pagination.
  8. Wayne, If you simply print the Invoice to PDF within Intacct I believe that should trigger the RAWSTATE field to change. Let me know if that doesn't work.
  9. @Lindsay Klatzkin Relying on IP whitelisting can be problematic as our public IP addresses may change over time due to various network configuration updates or cloud service policies. This change would potentially disrupt the connectivity if the IP addresses were hard-coded into their security settings. Could explore the possibility of using domain names instead of IP addresses for the basis of whitelisting. Using our domain name (e.g., intacct.com) would allow their security systems to perform a reverse DNS lookup to verify requests coming from our servers. This method is generally more robust as it adapts to changes in IP addresses without requiring frequent manual updates. You can also send the sessionid as an argument to your endpoint {!USERPROFILE.SESSIONID!} to validate.
  10. @Jacky Xu Could you provide an example of a current request and response and the a proposed request and response, highlights the changes and add some comments explaining the benefits. I will then run this by the GL team for consideration to see if this is something that can be accommodated or not.
  11. Sorry for the delay @Pavel Kabir I am following up with the GL team on this and will get back to you.
  12. Jacky, I have asked the API team if we can get this on the roadmap. I will let you know once I hear back. Thank you for the great feedback!
  13. @Daniel Keig, First you have to go the club and drill into each section you want to follow > click follow. Then click on your name in the upper right hand corner > Manage followed content > Forums > change preference to "One email per week with all new content from that week". There has not been a lot of activity here yet, this could be the reason why. This should change soon and I will monitor. I just set the same settings above and will make sure I am getting notifications. If not I will raise a ticket to get it fixed.
  14. Daniel, Thank you for this feedback. I will follow up on this and get back to you as soon as possible.
  15. Tony, I will setup a call with you next week so we can troubleshoot together and then we can post the what the issue was here. Look for my invite.
  16. @Lindsay Klatzkin Try this instead: <create_journal> <symbol>ARJ2</symbol> <title>Accounts Receivable Journal</title> <bookkey>ACCRUAL</bookkey> </create_journal> Here is the DTD: <!ELEMENT create_journal (symbol, title, status?, externalid?, bookkey?)> <!ATTLIST create_journal ignoreduplicates (true | false) "false" >
  17. Developer Hour: REST API Open Beta Developer Hour: REST API Open Beta Join us for an exclusive session of our REST API Open Office Hours, designed specifically for our beta participants. This monthly meeting is a unique opportunity for you to dive deeper into the capabilities of our REST API, discover new features, and directly address any challenges you might be facing. Why Attend? Learn how to leverage our REST API for maximum efficiency and impact within your projects. We'll guide you through the best practices and innovative uses. Understand the core benefits and advanced features of our REST API. Discover how it can solve specific problems and streamline your operations. Stay informed about the newest developments, enhancements, and features added to our REST API. We're constantly improving, and this is your chance to keep up to date. Thu, May 30, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM (EDT) Register here: https://events.teams.microsoft.com/event/42fdc39a-b95d-4969-bea5-d2cde201c08a@3e32dd7c-41f6-492d-a1a3-c58eb02cf4f8
  18. @AJ Gregg I did not forget about this. I requested a copy to our dev environment which has the R4 release code base. Once I test and if I can confirm it did indeed work before without issues, I will work with the proper internal teams to make sure we have the proper process in place so this does not happen again. Luckily our REST API will have versioning so breaking changes will simply force a new version and we will have backwards compatibility with prior versions for a couple of years.
  19. In the App registry related to the client ID you are using you have to identify a redirect URI Enter a Redirect URI as a full https URL. During the authorization process, users will be redirected to this URL after authorizing your application to access their data in Sage Intacct. Your application needs to have a script or code at this URL that is ready to receive an OAuth authorization code and use it to request a token. You can provide multiple URLs as a comma-separated list. Source: https://developer.sage.com/intacct/docs/developer-portal/getting-started/quick-start/
  20. Here is information on how you can exchange a refresh token for an entity level token Create Access Token - Refresh Token Grant Type Endpoint: https://<apiurll>/api/v1-beta2/oauth2/token HTTP Method: POST Parameters: grant_type: refresh_token refresh_token: client_id: client_secret: location_id: the access token will be created for this location optional for multi-entity companies Obtain a top-level access token in the absence of a location_id Sample Request and Response: curl --location --request POST 'https://<apiurll>/api/v1-beta2/oauth2/token/api/v1-beta2/oauth2/token' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "grant_type": "refresh_token", "refresh_token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJjbGllbnRJZCI6IjkyZDRkY2Y0MTRlNmEyYzNkNzhkLlNhZ2VfSW50YWNjdF9VSS5hcHAuc2FnZS5jb20iLCJjbnlJZCI6Im9hdXRoMnxXZXN0ZXJuIFJlZ2lvbiIsInJlZnJlc27gjh2tlbiI6IjEwNjlmMjkzN2E1YTgwNGY2MzM4MDQyZWNhMTQyYTMyMTcxYjBhZTgifQ.wQ8zQk6ikwFJtYpsA_wVPpQtu1BaslQH5TwXCxW6ggI", "client_id": "92d4dcf414e6a2c3d781.Sage_Intacct_UI.app.sage.com", "client_secret": "a55a58f1aeajy9116cbe1bf28025c183e778268c", "location_id": "Central Region" }' { "token_type": "Bearer", "access_token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJjbGll67rfhZCI6IjkyZDRkY2Y0MTRlNmEyYzNkNzhkLlNhZ2VfSW50YWNjdF9VSS5hcHAuc2FnZS5jb20iLCJjbnlJZCI6Im9hdXRoMnxDZW50cmFsIFJlZ2lvbiIsImNueUtleSI6IjQ0Nzk0MjI3IiwidXNlcklkIjoiQWRtaW4iLCJ1c2VyS2V5IjoiMSIsInNlc3Npb25JZCI6InZpUXFxRHdqQU9ackQ3dkNrbTBqSlV4bjVtb1B1NzRrS3FnX2lJR1Zhd183d3BKdEl5UkViX1pyIn0._GM-TP-llDGiaoLlJn59vBrfJ86RF_fWhw0NEamQ5Qg", "expires_in": 21600 }
  21. I met with engineering and the architect on this, they are purposely excluding this due to performance reasons.
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