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Melanie Lisle

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Everything posted by Melanie Lisle

  1. Hi Arush, Thanks for your question. We currently don't support Intacct here on the Developer Community, but you can find out how to get support here. Thanks, Mel
  2. Hi, Thanks for your question! We currently don't support Sage 300 here on the Developer Community, but my colleagues over on Sage City will be able to help you out. Thanks, Mel
  3. Welcome to the Developer Community! There is a Sage 300 SDK available on GitHub. We don't support this directly on the Developer Community, but if you need help, my colleagues and other partners over on Sage City will be able to help you out. Mel
  4. Hi Michael, Thanks for your question. Can I check which product this is for please? Thanks, Mel
  5. Hi, Thanks for your question. We currently don't support the Sage 50cloud US SDK here on the Sage Developer Community, but if you post your question on Sage City, one of the team will help you out. Thanks, Mel
  6. Hi Sachin, Thanks for your question! We don't support Sage 50 US on the Developer Community, but if you post in Sage City, one of my colleagues will be able to help you further. Thanks, Mel
  7. Thanks. If this is the version that's compliant for UK legislation, you'll need to use the SDK to connect. To get access to the SDK you'll need to be a member of the Developer Program and you can get more details by emailing [email protected]. If this is a non-UK variant of the product, you'll be able to find support on Sage City simply select the country that the product is legislatively compliant for then browse to Sage 50cloud Accounts and one of my colleagues will be able to help further. Thanks, Mel
  8. Hi Dan, This is something that we have on the backlog, but isn't currently in plan. We know it's a popular request so once we implement this, we'll post on the developer portal and community to let users know it's available. Thanks, Mel
  9. Hi, Which Sage product are you attempting to connect to? Thanks, Mel
  10. Dear Partners and Colleagues, We are very pleased to present and share with you an overview of new features delivered in Finance, Distribution and Manufacturing in 2021R1.The objective is to make you aware of new key features at a glance, explain some business benefits for your projects, point to existing learning content or eventually bootcamps on which we’ve developed business cases to go deeper when required and illustrate some key concepts. These sessions are open to all worldwide X3 ecosystem. Please, forward this invite to your teams, they will find below the links to register to the presentations on Sage University:• Finance: 14th of April 2021 9:00-11:00 or 16:00-18:00 (CEST)• Distribution & Manufacturing: 15th of April 2021 9:00-11:00 or 16:00-18:00 (CEST) A link to the recorded presentations will be sent to you after all the sessions. (When registering, if the displayed language in your Sage University preferences is different from your local language, you may not receive the confirmation email. In this case, it is still possible to access to the presentation from My University > My Learning.)Enjoy! View the event on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/events/coesagex3newfeatureshightlights6785833827966214144/
  11. If you post your query in the following group, https://www.sagecity.com/support_communities/sage_construction_and_real_estate/f/sage-300-construction-and-real-estate one of the team will be able to help you out. Mel
  12. I'll pass this feedback on to the product manager for Sage 200.
  13. Hi Nigel, I hope you enjoyed the event 🙂 If you email the team, [email protected] they'll be able to help you further on this one. Thanks, Mel
  14. If you have any further feature requests drop them in here or, you can use our Ideas Portal https://developerportal.ideas.aha.io/ Mel
  15. Thanks for letting us know. If you need any further help, feel free to continue the conversation. Thanks, Mel
  16. Hi, Thanks for your question! We don't support Sage 300 on the Sage Developer Community, but if you let me know what country the product is compliant for, I can point you in the direction of the team that can help with this. Thanks, Mel
  17. Hi, Thanks for your question. We currently don't support Sage 200c Spain on the Developer Community, but if you post your question on Sage City one of the team will be able to help. Thanks, Mel
  18. Hi, Thanks for your question! We currently don't support Sage 300 on the Developer Community. However, one of our colleagues over on Sage City will be able to help you out. If you go to Sage City, then select the country that the product is compliant for in the Groups option in the header, and navigate to the relevant Sage 300 group and post your question there, someone will get back to you. Thanks, Mel
  19. until
    Sage Demo Sessions is back with a further 4 ISVs demonstrating their product in short 15 minute slots over the course of an hour long sessionThere will be an opportunity every month to see new ISVs across the Sage 50 and Sage Business Cloud Ecosystem10:00-10:15 Netstock(Sage 50)10:15-10:30 Joiin(SBCA)10:30-10:45 Shipstation (Sage 50)10:45-11:00 Tradify (SBCA) You can join the session via Teams https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MWY4ZTQyMzItYjU2ZS00YTUxLThkZDMtMWY1OGRkZjIwNTU2%40thread.v2/0?context={"Tid"%3a"3e32dd7c-41f6-492d-a1a3-c58eb02cf4f8"%2c"Oid"%3a"99f564b2-9655-4188-b5c2-e02fa60e5727"%2c"IsBroadcastMeeting"%3atrue}
  20. We're pleased to announce the launch of our new Sage Developer YouTube Channel our new go to for all your Sage tech content. Let us know what you think in the comments and don't forget to hit the subscribe button!
  21. Hi Ciaran, Thanks for bringing that to my attention and apologies for an inconvenience. If you have further issues with the download of the files, let me know. Thanks, Mel
  22. To make it easier to get started with Sage Business Cloud Accounting, it's possible to import CSV files into given areas of the product. The CSV templates are available in this article for you to download. They have the correct format and headings and some sample data to get you started. For more help with importing data into Sage Business Cloud Accounting, please refer to the Help Centre. example_import_customer_opening_balances.csv example_import_customers.csv example_import_purchase_quick_entries.csv example_import_sales_quick_entries.csv example_import_stock.csv example_import_suppliers.csv UK - Limited Co.csv UK - Partnership.csv UK - Sole Trader.csv
  23. Hi Jeff, You can find out more information about downloading the Sage 50 Accounts CA SDK from this knowledgebase article https://support.na.sage.com/selfservice/viewContent.do?externalId=13102&sliceId=1 Thanks, Mel
  24. Hi Bart, Welcome to the community! So I can point you in the right direction, can you give me more information about the API you're looking for please as it's not something I'm familiar with. For example, which country is the product based in, does it link a Sage product etc? Thanks in advance, Mel
  25. Hi everyone 👋🏻 I'm Mel and I'm the Product Manager for the Sage Developer Community as well as the Developer Portal and App Registry. I'll be around to help the team out with moderation and also to review any feature requests. I'm excited to get the community started and if you're not enjoying the community for any reason, feel free to reach out to me.
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