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Error when posting receiveddate in UpdateOtherReceipt in .NET SDK


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Our project uses the .NET SDK to post data to Intacct. When functionality is not available in the SDK, we build a custom wrapper using the .NET SDK AbstractFunction tools. In this scenario, we can create OtherReceipts using the existing SDK object (Intacct.SDK.Functions.CashManagement.OtherReceiptCreate). Since no corresponding object exists for updating an OtherReceipt, we built our own by implementing AbstractOtherReceipt.

You can see from the code below that I have attempted to include "receiveddate" which is valid according to the API documentation for update_otherreceipt. However, when I run this, I get an error message:

Response control status failure - XL03000003 XML Parse schema error: Error 1871: Element 'receiveddate': This element is not expected. Expected is one of ( description, supdocid, currency, exchratedate, exchratetype, exchrate, customfields, inclusivetax, receiptitems ).. Line: 1, column: 0. [Support ID: WMQJV%7EZbKYbWEYBRH6qXb4YLP5fwAAAAY]

This works as expected if I remove the "receiveddate" line.

Am I structuring this correctly, or is the list of fields that I get back the only fields that I can update?

public class OtherReceiptUpdate : AbstractOtherReceipt
    public int RecordNo { get; set; }
    public OtherReceiptUpdate()
        : base()
    public OtherReceiptUpdate(string controlId = null)
        : base(controlId)
    public override void WriteXml(ref IaXmlWriter xml)
        xml.WriteAttribute("controlid", ControlId, true);
        xml.WriteAttribute("key", RecordNo, true);                
        xml.WriteElement("refid", TransactionNo);                            
        //xml.WriteElement("receiveddate", TransactionDate, IaXmlWriter.IntacctDateFormat);  
        if (Lines.Count > 0)
            foreach (AbstractOtherReceiptLine line in Lines)
                line.WriteXml(ref xml);
        xml.WriteEndElement(); // receiptitems
        xml.WriteEndElement(); // update_otherreceipt             
        xml.WriteEndElement(); // function           

Thank you!

Joe Donahue

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I just tested in my demo company and I was able to update the receiveddate. Here is my sample API call that was successful.

I would recommend look at your logs and see what XML structure is being created and sent to Sage Intacct and make sure it matches this.

  <function controlid="testControlId">
    <update_otherreceipt key="1445">


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Louis, thank you for the quick reply and the information. This seems to correlate with my approach, but I'm still getting the same message back that receiveddate "is not expected." I don't immediately have access to the XML output but will see what I can do.

Is it possible that the error message is coming from the SDK? I noticed that AbstractOtherReceipt calls this field ReceiptDate and not receiveddate. It may not be related, but I wonder if passing this through the SDK hits a layer of validation before it actually generates & sends the XML.


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I made the recommended change to the formatting of the receiveddate element. In addition, I was able to enable logging and capture the XML messages. Surprisingly, the updated format looks correct, but I am still getting the exact same error message.

<function controlid="0be78e3c-47d1-4fed-ac0c-ee9a201ababc">
  <update_otherreceipt key="4090">
    <refid>Mateo Receipt - 256749</refid>
      <updatelineitem line_num="1"><amount>10.00</amount></updatelineitem>

Response control status failure - XL03000003 XML Parse schema error: Error 1871: Element 'receiveddate': This element is not expected. Expected is one of ( description, supdocid, currency, exchratedate, exchratetype, exchrate, customfields, inclusivetax, receiptitems ).. Line: 1, column: 0. [Support ID: 4plML%7EZbfbRWEcBW86HZp32_DNJwAAAAo]

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The order of the fields matters here. refid is in the wrong position. This works however it looks like you have a smart rule preventing the update at this point.


  <function controlid="0be78e3c-47d1-4fed-ac0c-ee9a201ababc">
    <update_otherreceipt key="4090">
      <refid>Mateo Receipt - 256749</refid>
        <updatelineitem line_num="1">


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