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generateAPISession clarifications


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When is slide in authentication used? I see that when I call the generateAPISession function, a temp slide in is sent. However, I cannot find anything in the docs about when I should be using this, as it looks like it just is set to be an empty string for me.


Also, in the Web Services documentation, it says that after we call generateAPISession, we should use the endpoint url and session ID that we receive in the response for subsequent responses. It also says that the endpoint url will be unique and an *.intacct.com domain. However, in my testing with postman, the endpoint url returned by generateAPISession has always been https://api.intacct.com/ia/xml/xmlgw.phtml. Is it always going to be this?
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@Frederick Almond

Slide in authentication is used with partner consoles, this allows them to slide into companies with the customers approval. Most likely is not something you need.

Here is more information on that: https://www.intacct.com/ia/docs/en_US/help_action/More/Consoles/External_users/about-external-users.htm

In terms of your other question, right now this will not change but it could in the future, best practice would be to assume it will change and use what is provided in the response.

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