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Steel, Mark

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Everything posted by Steel, Mark

  1. Hi Ryan, thank you for your question. Could you confirm the Sage product your app is integrated with please? Also, it would be good to see the request you are making including the headers and body. Thanks Mark
  2. Hi Dheerej, thank you for your question. You are correct in using the contact_payments api but need to extend the body parameters to include allocated_artefacts[]. You would then pass in the id or id's of the invoices you wish to allocate the payment against. We have a more detailed guide available here. { "contact_payment": { "transaction_type_id": "CUSTOMER_RECEIPT", "payment_method_id": "CREDIT_DEBIT", "contact_id": "3f7df26d955c4ec9a9321720dd0ff14f", "bank_account_id": "1265cfd39e1444628f0d025748ea7a60", "date": "2022-25-03", "total_amount": "5.00", "allocated_artefacts": [ { "artefact_id": "504744d47b1b4a05b316fe1b4ba876ef", <-ID of the sales_invoice "amount": "5.00" } ] } } Thanks Mark
  3. The 500 error is a generic response from our server. It implies that it is unable to route the request correctly. Regarding your app name not appearing when authorising the app - What name do you have set against the app in developer self service? To clarify the 500 error occurs after you've authorised the app, is that correct? If not could you provide us with the uri, header and body params please. Thanks Mark
  4. Hi, thanks for your question. Have you been able to authenticate in the past? Is this a sporadic issue? Are you able to sign into the business via the ui app.sageone.com? Thanks Mark
  5. Hi Matt, thanks for your question. There are two scenarios where a customer_refund transaction type can be used. The first is to refund a sales_credit_note and the second, as in your scenario is to refund a contact_payment which has an amount outstanding. It is usually the allocated_artefacts [artefact_id] that is set incorrectly. For sales_credit_notes, this must be set with the artefact_id and not the transaction_id. For contact_payment refunds you must use the payment_on_account_id found in the contact_payment/id { "contact_payment": { "transaction_type_id": "CUSTOMER_REFUND", "payment_method_id": "CREDIT_DEBIT", "contact_id": "d7dbc85fedd04feea1874d3b49f44860", "bank_account_id": "5942e91ca0ac4d13b96ed6bd9cd1f156", "date": "2022-03-24", "total_amount": "5.00", "allocated_artefacts": [ { "artefact_id": "e1c154e02dd1422fa52faab782e7e0bf",<-payment_on_account_id "amount": "5.00" } ] } } It's important to note that the API will allow you to make partial refunds for a credit or payment on account and the UI will only allow a user to make a refund for the total outstanding amount. Thanks Mark
  6. Hi Carl, The below will allow you to filter the coa_accounts by the region you are interested in. You would need to change the country code if it was for a different region, for example, IE for Ireland. This filter returns the 131 ledger_accounts in a default coa. coa_accounts?coa_template_id=SMALL_BUSINESS_GB If all you wish to do is obtain the ledger_account using the code and confirm it is in the COA the below will work. ledger_accounts?search=1000&attributes=included_in_chart Thanks Mark
  7. Hi Carl, thanks for your question. What http verb are you using to update the contact please? It needs to be a PUT request when updating. Thanks Mark
  8. Hi Catherine, thank you for your feedback. This community forum tends to be visited by developers creating integrations for Sage products. We have an active Sage 50c forum which is frequented by users at https://www.sagecity.com/gb/sage-50-accounts-and-sage-50cloud-accounts-uk/i/sage-50-accounts-and-sage-50cloud-accounts-ideas. It may be worthwhile making another post in that forum. Thanks Mark
  9. Thanks Carl, the Sage Business Cloud Accounting developer support area is at https://developer-community.sage.com/forum/6-support/. To answer your question, you'll need to make a GET request to the business_settings endpoint or businesses/id. Thanks Mark
  10. Hi Daniel, thank you for your question. The version of Sage Business Cloud Accounting available in South Africa is a different product to the SBCA product documented here, and requires the use of a different API. As such there is a different site available to give you details etc. You can find the pages here: Developer API - Sage Business Cloud Accounting | Sage South Africa The page has links to register your app for use with this API, details on the auth process and a full API specification. Thanks Mark
  11. Hi Carl, thanks for your question. You've posted this in the Sage X3 Support Channel, is it X3 you're developing against? Thanks Mark
  12. Hi Yakiv, thanks for your question. To clarify, the access_token lasts for 5 mins as you state and then needs to be renewed by exchanging the refresh token you received with the expired access_token. There is some script in our POSTMAN Demo Data collection that keeps an environment variable up to date with the expiry time of the access token and then if expired will exchange the refresh_token for a new access_token. Please let us know if you require additional guidance. Thanks Mark
  13. Hi Pathik, The region is hardcoded for the install and isn't configurable. I don't believe you'll see that information in the UI. What is the Country of the operating business please? Thanks Mark
  14. Hi Pathik, thank you for your question. Sage 50 is a desktop product which primarily provides its integration ability via SDK's. The SDK which you require is determined by which regional version of Sage 50 you wish to integrate with. If you can let us know the region you are looking to integrate with we'll be able to route you to the correct support team. Thanks Mark
  15. Hi Paul, welcome to the community and thanks for reaching out to us. I can see why the terminology used in the error description could be confusing. When creating a sales or purchase artefact such as a sales_invoice we must send the values of line items in the invoice_lines[] array. This is where the term line_item is created, the wording does not relate directly to the API reference as you have found. You'll need to change the JSON to support the below format. { "sales_invoice": { "contact_id": "e69235e7f37e462dbc5e038b57b7d13d", "date": "2022-03-13", "net_amount": 207.60, "tax_amount": 26.99, "total_amount": 234.59, "invoice_number": "1", "tax_address_region_id": "CA-ON", "invoice_lines": [{ "description": "Test", "ledger_account_id": "29fc0490a21411ecbcc60e97dc3b579b", "product_id": null, "service_id": "0dc3d4f44f6e421b9e134b9fda48e793", "unit_price": 173.0, "quantity": 1.2, "net_amount": 207.60, "tax_amount": 26.99, "total_amount": 234.59, "tax_rate_id": "CA_HST_ON" }] } } Thanks Mark
  16. Hi Nikita, thanks for the information. Is this business being accessed by an accountant/partner in Sage Partner Edition please? I ask this as we have a similar outstanding issue which is only applicable in Partner Edition. Thanks Mark
  17. Hi Russell, thank you for your question. This community forum (Developer) is probably not the best place for you to obtain processing advice. The community at https://www.sagecity.com/gb/sage-business-cloud-accounting-uk/f/sage-business-cloud-accounting-uk-general-discussion would be a better place to ask, or failing that, reach out to one of our support colleagues via the options listed in https://www.sage.com/en-gb/sage-business-cloud/accounting/ How do I access 24/7 support. Thanks Mark
  18. Hi Josh I've looked at the ticket (our internal ref - AC-6807) and this is still outstanding. Looking at the ticket, it would be good to provide the replication steps so when/if this is picked up by an engineering squad they can easily replicate. Would you be able to provide those steps please? Thanks Mark
  19. Hi Shawn, thank you for your question. The version of Sage Business Cloud Accounting available in South Africa is a different product to the SBCA product documented here, and requires the use of a different API. As such there is a different site available to give you details etc. You can find the pages here: Developer API - Sage Business Cloud Accounting | Sage South Africa The page has links to register your app for use with this API, details on the auth process and a full API specification. Thanks Mark
  20. Hi Jonathan, thank you for your question. Do you know the Sage product name that you are looking to integrate with? From your question it sounds like the integration is for our Sage Business Cloud Accounting product. Is this correct? If it is, the documentation can be found here and you would need to use the purchase_invoices end point and depending on the detail required for the contact and address, you may also need to focus your attention on the addresses and contacts endpoints. Thanks Mark
  21. Hi Paul Do you have the business id or business details of the Start business which returned the error please?
  22. Hi Paul, thank you for your post. We're currently investigating a change that went live on Tuesday evening. I hope to be able to update you later today. Thanks Mark
  23. Hi Maciej, thank you for your question. Two of the query params supported by the tax_rates endpoint are usage and address_region_id. usage accepts the values of sales and purchase and address_region_id accepts the province the tax_rates are required for. An example could be that you need the sales tax_rates for a sales invoice going to a customer in BC. We could use tax_rates?usage=sales&address_region_id=CA-BC and the response would contain the applicable tax_rates. { "$total": 16, "$page": 1, "$next": null, "$back": null, "$itemsPerPage": 20, "$items": [ { "id": "CA_GST_PST_BC", "displayed_as": "GST & PST 12.00%", "$path": "/tax_rates/CA_GST_PST_BC" }, { "id": "CA_GST", "displayed_as": "GST 5.00%", "$path": "/tax_rates/CA_GST" }, { "id": "CA_PST_BC", "displayed_as": "PST 7.00%", "$path": "/tax_rates/CA_PST_BC" }, { "id": "CA_GST_PST_BC_1", "displayed_as": "GST & PST 13.00%", "$path": "/tax_rates/CA_GST_PST_BC_1" }, { "id": "CA_GST_PST_BC_2", "displayed_as": "GST & PST 14.00%", "$path": "/tax_rates/CA_GST_PST_BC_2" }, { "id": "CA_GST_PST_BC_3", "displayed_as": "GST & PST 15.00%", "$path": "/tax_rates/CA_GST_PST_BC_3" }, { "id": "CA_GST_PST_BC_4", "displayed_as": "GST & PST 17.00%", "$path": "/tax_rates/CA_GST_PST_BC_4" }, { "id": "CA_GST_PST_BC_5", "displayed_as": "GST & PST 25.00%", "$path": "/tax_rates/CA_GST_PST_BC_5" }, { "id": "CA_PST_BC_1", "displayed_as": "PST 8.00%", "$path": "/tax_rates/CA_PST_BC_1" }, { "id": "CA_PST_BC_2", "displayed_as": "PST 9.00%", "$path": "/tax_rates/CA_PST_BC_2" }, { "id": "CA_PST_BC_3", "displayed_as": "PST 10.00%", "$path": "/tax_rates/CA_PST_BC_3" }, { "id": "CA_PST_BC_4", "displayed_as": "PST 12.00%", "$path": "/tax_rates/CA_PST_BC_4" }, { "id": "CA_PST_BC_5", "displayed_as": "PST 20.00%", "$path": "/tax_rates/CA_PST_BC_5" }, { "id": "CA_EXEMPT", "displayed_as": "Exempt 0.00%", "$path": "/tax_rates/CA_EXEMPT" }, { "id": "CA_ZERO", "displayed_as": "Zero Rated 0.00%", "$path": "/tax_rates/CA_ZERO" }, { "id": "CA_NO_TAX", "displayed_as": "No Tax", "$path": "/tax_rates/CA_NO_TAX" } ] } Supporting Docs: https://developer.sage.com/accounting/reference/taxes/#operation/getTaxRates https://developer.sage.com/accounting/guides/concepts/address_region_validation/ Thanks Mark
  24. Thanks Joshua We'll update the docs to highlight this also. Mark
  25. Hi Joshua, thank you for your question. Could you confirm the following please? You're making a POST request to https://oauth.accounting.sage.com/token containing: Header param of Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded And Body Params made up of: client_id client_secret code grant_type redirect_uri Have you been able to authenticate in a web client tool such as Postman?
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